Laura Llach, founder of flipando en colores, has started networking with her new business card made of Bamboo -100% recycled- and completely personalized.
Laura’s project was born in the middle of the confinement period and is the “eat alternative” to the typical postcards. Yes, you read that right: EAT. This peculiar characteristic makes them unique and exclusive, as well as being surprising when you see that you can eat them.

The personal business card that Laura has chosen is made of Bamboo -100% recycled- and contains an NFC chip that allows you to share your Profile-Vcard with any smartphone and just by touching it to the card. Also, if the phone does not have NFC technology, you can scan the QR code that is engraved on the back of the card.
For any professional making business contacts, paper business cards are history. They are rapidly being replaced by 100% digital cards or profiles that make it easy to share personal data with just a gesture.
Many companies are also opting to “retire” the outdated paper card and are equipping their sales teams with digital cards. The high printing costs and the ineffectiveness of a traditional card are redirecting the landscape towards the digitization of companies.